Pelvic Floor Treatment

Pelvic Floor Treatment


"In Fisicsalud we consider a basic pillar to know the pelvic floor, because of its impact on all aspects of life..."

The pelvic floor is composed of the muscles of the base of the pelvis and connective tissue . It has several main functions:

  • Support of the viscera
  • Urinary and fecal continence
  • Allows urination, defecation, sexual intercourse and childbirth.
  • Maintenance of posture (straightening of the pelvis and spine).

The changes that the pelvic floor undergoes throughout life (particularly in women) can manifest themselves in the form of various anatomical and functional alterations such as pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunctions, pelvic pain and anorectal dysfunctions. In men, the pelvic floor may also be affected after surgery or musculofascial alterations and manifest itself in the form of incontinence, sexual dysfunction or pain. The integrity of the pelvic floor is fundamental to prevent the development of urogynecological pathology and in women, pregnancy and childbirth constitute one of the main risk factors.

Physiotherapy is a basic pillar within urogynecological therapeutics, largely thanks to updated results in the framework of quality scientific studies, which have provided the sufficient level of evidence to allow us to recommend these treatments and include them in protocols and clinical practice guidelines, from which our patients can benefit.


-Prolapse (urethrocele, cystocele, rectocele).


-Stress urinary incontinence, urgency and urinary urgency.

Peripartum preparation (postpartum recovery, episiotomies) -Vulvodynia, urinary incontinence and urinary urgency

-Vulvodynia, coccygodynia

-Sexual dysfunctions (dyspareunia, vaginosis).

-Postural therapy (hypotonia of load and / or base).

To avoid problems such as urine leakage (SUI, UUI, MU), prolapse, vaginismus...
Healthy postpartum recovery
Prevention of sports impact
Quality of sexual life and prevention of urogynecological dysfunctions that reduce it.
Personal self-knowledge and posture control, as a repercussion in the rest of the body systems.