The DLM is a technique characterized by soft, slow, circular and superficial dragging movements with special attention to the intensive stimulation of the lymph nodes. It was discovered in an intuitive and somewhat visionary way by Emil Vodder and for many years was considered an alternative or marginal method, i.e. non-academic, but today it has a well-structured scientific basis, thanks to years of research by doctors and university professors such as Foldi, Kubick, Asdonk, Collard and now Leduc.
In short, we understand drainage to mean the setting in motion or the outflow of liquid from an area where it has been accumulating towards a place of drainage through a conduction system, just as a farmer drains a flooded field by removing the water that has accumulated through a network of pipes or canals. In our organism there is a tubular system (lymphatic vessels) that allow a relatively easy outflow of interstitial fluid and lymph, producing the regulation of excess fluid accumulated in the lax connective tissue by means of:
-The permeability of the blood capillary.
- The interplay of pressures in the microcirculation space.
- The structure of the lymphatic capillary itself.
The organic physiological drainage is stimulated under the effect of the regular and systematic application of Manual Lymphatic Drainage.
The primary objective of Lymphatic Drainage is aimed at activating the lymphatic circulation, especially the subcutaneous, activating the automatism of both vessels and lymph nodes improving the elimination of interstitial fluid and lymph.
Lymphostatic edema of traumatic origin:
Hematoma- Distensions -Post-joint dislocations -Fiber rupture -Post-fracture treatment "
Local lymphostatic edema due to surgical interventions. Secondary lymphedema after cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, post-mastectomy...
Peripheral vascular disorders :Lymphedema or primary lymphostatic edema Postural venous edema Venous varicose veins Premenstrual edema Pregnancy venous edema .
Other: Stress -Insomnia- Acne -Colds Headaches- Constipation- Menstrual pains Vascular and pressure ulcers.